Monday 15 August 2011

3rd Meeting Minute


3rd Meeting Minute

Tonbo Engineering Company
DATE             : 28th July 2011
TIME              : 3.30 pm
VENUE          : Curtin Sarawak (G3 203)

Attendees Present:
     Name                                        Signature                  Position                   
Hii Hau Hao                            ________________    (Chairperson)
Felicity Usat                             ________________      (Secretary)
Moe Myini Su Hlaing               ________________     
Fatin Nadia                              ________________
Daniel Udoh                            ________________


Meeting Agenda
1.      Draft of bridge design
2.      Draft specification
3.      Draft of disposal plan
4.      Problems and grievances
5.      Date of next meeting

Draft of bridge design
·         The design was not completed yet.
·         The designers were still designing the bridge.
·         The contractors were helping the designers in designing the bridge.
·         The first draft of the design was changed as the members gave more better ideas.

Action By: Fatin Nadia and Su
Draft specification
·         The bridge specifications were still ongoing.
·         All the details of the materials for the design,for example the quantity and cost, were done.
·         Dateline: 8th August 2011, Friday
Action By:HiiHauHao
Draft of disposal plan
·         There were a lot of unimportant materials in the list.
·         Some needed materials were not in the list yet.
·         Some changes has to be taken to make some addition and cancelation.
·         Dateline: 5th August 2011, Friday

Action By: HiiHauHao
Problems and Grievances
·         Every member gave different ideas and sometimes we were arguing to each other.
·         All the member compromised with each other and being tolerate in receiving and commenting on other’s ideas for the bridge design.
·         We managed to solve the problem during the meeting and there is no member who starts a fight due to argument.
Action By: Felicity Usat
Date of next meeting
4th August 2011, Thursday

Meeting adjourned at 5.00pm

Prepared By,

(Felicity Usat)
Secretary of Tonbo’s Company

Supported By,

( HiiHauHao)
Chairperson of Tonbo’s Company

( Fatin Nadia)
Head of Designer OfTonbo’s Company

Tonbo Engineering Company
Website:      Email:
012-8502077 Tel

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