Monday 15 August 2011

4th Meeting Minute


4th Meeting Minute

Tonbo Engineering Company
DATE             : 4th August 2011
TIME              : 3.30 pm
VENUE          : Curtin Sarawak (G3 203)

Attendees Present:
     Name                                        Signature                  Position                   
Hii Hau Hao                            ________________    (Chairperson)
Felicity Usat                             ________________      (Secretary)
Moe Myini Su Hlaing               ________________     
Fatin Nadia                              ________________
Daniel Udoh                            ________________


Meeting Agenda
1.      Draft of bridge design
2.      Draft specification
3.      Draft of disposal plan
4.      Tender evaluation criteria
5.      Certification and cover letter
6.      Problems and grievances
7.      Date of next meeting

Draft of bridge design
·         The design needs more details
·         The design needs to be edited
·         The design also needs to be more accurate and precise
·         The bridge design contains of 2D and 3D views
·         It contains details of length, width and height
·         Dateline: 8th August 2011,Friday
Action By: Fatin Nadia and Su
Draft specification
·         The bridge specifications were all completed
·         The materials has to done and tabulated
·         The materials quantity and cost has to be done also
·         Dateline: 8th August 2011, Friday
Action By :Hii Hau Hao
Draft of disposal plan
·         The unnecessary materials were cancelled
·         Some materials were added
·         Dateline: 5th August 2011, Friday
Action By: Hii Hau Hao
Tender Evaluation Criteria
·         List up the condition that the consultant company should have to tender the project
Action By:  Hii Hau Hao and  Daniel Udoh
Certification and Cover Letter
·         All the format was taken from Blackboard
·         Dateline:5th August 2011, Friday
Action By: HiiHauHao
Problems and Grievances
·         So far, we didn’t face any problems. Everyone is doing their tasks.
·         Argument among members was handled well.
Action By: Felicity Usat
Date of next meeting
11th August 2011, Thursday

Meeting adjourned at 5.00pm

Prepared By,

(Felicity Usat)
Secretary of Tonbo’s Company

Supported By,

( HiiHauHao)
Chairperson of Tonbo’s Company

( Fatin Nadia)
Head of Designer OfTonbo’s Company

Tonbo Engineering Company
Website:      Email:
012-8502077 Tel

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