State1 Reflection

Stage 1 Reflection

Name                    : Hii Hau Hao                                     Student ID            : 7E1A8431 / 15438887
Group                   : B2                                                       Company Name : Tonbo Engineering Company
Stage 1 Reflection
I am the chairman and also one of the contractors in Tonbo Engineering Company.  I have deal with every task, but mainly are ensure the work from every members can run smoothly. The main task that covered by me include: company profile, company website and company logo.
From the beginning until the end of 1st stage, I had learned a lot of things that I never touch before. The most important thing that I learned is the process that to form a company from zero and how to manage a team properly. During the meeting, I also learn that how to work and communicate with different people.
The biggest mistake in stage one which is take down all the task and do it by myself only at the beginning. I didn’t well to separate the work within the team member. So that it make me feel very stress. But now, I have learned to divide the job to my members.

Name                    : Emine-Imoh Daniel Udoh         Student ID            : 7E0B7955 / 15649003
Group                   : B2                                                       Company Name : Tonbo Engineering Company
Stage 1 Reflection
I was allocated the role of a contractor in stage one that is from week one till week three. I contacted other companies and whatever ideas I got from them, I shared with the members of my company, I also tried my best to contribute and share ideas during the meetings held by the company and made punctuality to meetings one of my priorities in the company as a contractor.
The most important lesson learnt in stage one is that whenever I am given a task by my chief executive officer, I try my possible best to do the task like an engineer and not like a student because it prepares a great future for me, meaning I have to respond to the task given to me with immediate effect and submit prior to the due date.
The biggest mistake I made in stage one was my inability to prepare an excellent weekly performance report which I know how to prepare now after consulting my tutor and my chief executive officer for help, because I know in future, preparation of report is very necessary as an engineer if the goals are being well achieved.

Name                    : Fatin Nadia Bt Ahmad Zubir     Student ID            : 7EOB7929 / 15634054
Group                   : B2                                                       Company Name: Tonbo Engineering Company
Stage 1 Reflection
Engineering Foundations Principles and Communication 100(EFPC) is one of my subjects for first year degree in engineering in Curtin University. Roughly, this subject is about created our own company and making the design that are given to us. For the first week, our class had been divided to four groups. I had three team members which are HiiHauHao and Moe Myint Su Hlaing. For our first meeting, we divided our job. I am the designer. We had our first meeting in the class. All of team member exchange contact details so we can communicate easily. Auto-cad workshop had been conducted by a lecturer to guide the designer for sketch their design. Su and I had attended the workshop.In second meeting, Felicity and Daniel joined our group since we had three members only. Both of them are contractors. Bridge design had to be completed in week three. So Su and I had discussed together and sketch bridge design. The contractors also helped us in designing the bridge. Besides that, weekly progress must be done every week and need to be submit before tutorial class. We had our site visit to Sarawak Oil Plantation (SOP) on last Saturday. It takes 1 hour 15 minutes to reach SOP. We can see how oil palm is processed and experienced to visit the factory. I have achieved my goal in designing the bridge and submit it on time. Even though there is a rough time in designing the bridge, with help of my team members. There is nothing I would like to change as I satisfied with the bridge design and others work. The most experience that I gained from this project is to work like a real engineer. I became more disciplined because I have to submit the task given before due date. Even though there are many tasks need to be done, but I managed to complete the task given. Furthermore, when we had our meeting, everyone produced excellent idea. We communicate in appropriate tone. I will apply this knowledge in my future career so my work will be easily done and there is no problem in handling any conflicts arises.

Name                    : Felicity Usat                                     Student ID          : 7E0B7914 / 15648039
Group                   : B2                                                       Company Name : Tonbo Engineering Company
Stage 1 Reflection
Engineering Foundation Principle and Communication 100 is one of the four core units that all the first year degree of engineering are taking now. In this unit, all of the students are taught how to work in a team and communicate and behave like an Engineer. I was in a different group on the first week. I changed my group because the group I was in now need more members. There were only 3 members which are HiiHauHao, Fatin Nadia and Moe Myint Su Hlaing. I was added in together with Emine-Daniel. Currently there are 5 members in our group. Our group was assigned to design a bridge and build a car of a mouse trap. Our company name is Tonbo Company. The tasks were divided equally to every single member. HiiHauHao, Emine-Daniel and myself are the contractors. Fatin and Su are the designers. The designers has worked hard in designing the bridge. The contractors were helping them with some ideas and we combined all the ideas together. Our company website was created. This website is essential for our clients to view our project. Our website was keep updating by the members from time to time. Throughout this project, all the members has learnt of the importance in communicating with each other as an Engineering students. Besides, we learnt how to form a team work among us. We did our allocated tasks and hand it in on time. All the members keep reminding each other about our tasks. We learnt how to share our different ideas as a team and we managed to avoid fighting. The problems we face the most was argument happened among us in having different ideas. However, as I mentioned, we managed to solve it peacefully. In this unit, we learnt how to communicate with other students and behave like an Engineer. For istance, being punctual for every meeting. Moreover, this unit taught us how to share ideas and work as a team to make our company as a success in the future.

Name    : Moe Myint Su Hlaing    ID            : 7E1B9225 / 15810320                    Group   : B2        
Company name                : Tonbo Engineering Company
Stage 1 Reflection
              I am one of the designers and also the project manager of our company. As I am the project manager, I have the responsibility to manage our team, plan the job that we need to do and so on. Firstly, I have the role to announce my team members what we need to do and when we have to finish. And I did these main task for our company: drawing the bridge design (sketch), draw the bridge design, do the drawing and design document and submit the progress report for every week and help the other team members.
             By doing these jobs, I had learned too many things that are very useful and I have never met before my university life.  I trust that I will need these skills for my working period. And I knew how to set up the company, how to deal with other people and how to manage the team and how to solve the problems and how to do the work to finish on the right time.  I have learned how to do the job and how to communicate to different nationalities.
            I have no experience in the communication, so I made mistake when I start doing my task. The biggest mistake that I did was I need to allocate the tasks to every member. Because our chairman, Hao, he did mostly for the stage 1. But now, I can manage and divide the jobs and a few ideas to prepare for next step.

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