Tender Criteria

Tonbo Engineering is a car manufacturing company. We have bridge design. We have done a bridge design. In this tender valuation criterion is used to choose the best applicable construction company to build the bridge. The score of 1 has been assigned as the least impressive performance. The maximum score of 4 will be awarded to the most efficient company. All criteria will be weighed equally. The highest the score is will identify the preferred company to construct the Tonbo Engineering Company bridge.

1st State Drawing

Scale:   1:100mm

Isometric View

Side view

Top View

Front View


The materials that are needed in this project include:
1.      150mm x 18cm x 1mm Popsicle stick
2.      Glue
3.      String
4.      Cardboard

Tender Evaluation Criteria

Estimated time of Construction or Delivery

As a time-conscious company, the project needs to be built in a limited timeframe. The estimated time of construction/delivery is very important to confirm the project is completed punctually. Therefore, the contractor company needs to have the ability to quickly yet efficiently complete this task. The score will be awarded accordingly to the company which managed to use lesser time and yet successfully constructing and delivering the bridge.

Contact details

A convincing company has a clear and working contact details. They are easily contacted and reply within 48 hours. The score will be marked due to the contacts on the company website and how long it probably takes to reply any inquiries.



A contractor company who has the experience in this project field has the definite advantage. It is importance that to have the experiences to construct a bridge, so that it can give more confidence to the designer company. If the contractor company can well understanding the design and the specification properly, it can ensure that the project can run smoothly. Therefore, the company who has experienced in this field is highly sought after.

Use of Specified Materials

The materials that used to construct the bridge have to follow according to the list of materials that have been prepared by the designer company. It is importance that to follow the materials that given by the designer company will award the highly scored.


Construction and Installation

The methods that use to construct the bridge are vital in ensuring that bridge will fulfill its required properties. The bridge should be constructing according to the specifications that provided by the designer company. Marks will be given to the company that is able to use fewer materials without jeopardizing the performance as well as the quality of the bridge.


The design of the bridge is considered precisely. Tender is strictly required to pertain to our company’s design in order to obtain the exact length and weight of the bridge. Marks will be given to company that managed to construct the bridge in its dimensions.


Professionalism and the organization of the tendering company are mostly desirable. The tender company’s contractors need to communicate with the designers from the designer company professionally. Moreover, punctually attending meetings held by the designer company is required. Marks will be awarded to the company that can show high levels of professionalism.



Builders who strive to complete the task given with maximum effort and enthusiasm will be highly admirable. Therefore, enthusiastic and interest in the project are required to ensure that the project can be run smoothly and successfully. Besides that, regular feedback or comment from the tenders will be welcome and highly appreciated. Suggestions that are suitable will be looked upon favorably and considerably.

Tender Evaluation Form


Evaluation Criteria
Points Award
Estimated time of Construction or Delivery
>3 week
2-3 week
1-2 week
<1 week

Contact details
Not addressed
Average (> 2 days)
Good (1-2 days)
Clearly (<1 days)

Not addressed
No relevant experience
Some relevant experience
Extensive relevant experience

Use of Specified Materials
Not convincing

Construction and Installation
Not addressed
Low quality
Good quality
High quality





Tender Evaluation Score Summary

Evaluation Criteria
Contractor Company
Estimated time of Construction or Delivery

Contact details


Use of Specified Materials

Construction and Installation




Total Score

Disposal Plan

As an engineering company, the company engineering has to set up a plan to dispose the materials required to be used in the bridge construction. Glue, Popsicle stick, string, and cardboard as mentioned in the specification, are the materials which have to dispose in this project.
The disposal plan will be as the following:
1.      To apply hot air from a hair dryer on the materials to loosen the bond between them.
2.      To use scissors or blade to cut off the string.
3.      To dissolve the glue, the materials have to place in ice cold water.
4.      The still intact Popsicle stick can be reuse for the next bridge construction, for those are break can used as fuel.
5.      The cardboard will be recycling.


Tonbo Engineering Company
Contact detail:-
E-mail                          : tonboec@hotmail.com
Contact number          : 012-8502077
Website                       : tonboec.blogspot.com         

Dear client,

There have one submission of our bridge design. The design can refer to page 2, 3, and 4.
We hereby certify that our design is compliant with the project brief dated in August 2011, and if constructed correctly will meet your requirements as detailed in the brief.

Yours sincerely,

Tonbo Engineering Company

___________________                 __________________                _________________
      (HII HAU HAO)                         (FELICITY USAT)                   (DANIEL UDOH)

___________________                 ___________________
         (FATIN NADIA)                      (MOE MYINI SU HLAING)

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